Parsing HParams

This page demonstrates the parsing process for hparams events.

Preparing Sample Event Logs

First, let’s import some libraries and prepare the environment for our sample event logs:

>>> import os
>>> import tempfile
>>> # Define some constants
>>> N_RUNS = 3
>>> N_EVENTS = 2
>>> # Prepare temp dirs for storing event files
>>> tmpdirs = {}

Before parsing a event file, we need to generate it first. The sample event files are generated by three commonly used event log writers.

We can generate the events by PyTorch:

>>> tmpdirs['torch'] = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
>>> from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
>>> log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name
>>> for i in range(N_RUNS): # 3 independent runs
...   hp_dict = {
...     'C': i,
...     'run_id': i,
...     'name': f'y=2x+{i}'
...   }
...   writer = SummaryWriter(os.path.join(log_dir, f'run{i}'))
...   writer.add_hparams(hp_dict, {'metric': i}, run_name='.')
...   for j in range(N_EVENTS): # 2 events
...     writer.add_scalar('y=2x+C', j * 2 + i, j)
...   writer.close()

and quickly check the results:

>>> from tbparse import SummaryReader
>>> SummaryReader(log_dir, pivot=True, extra_columns={'dir_name'}).scalars
   step  metric  y=2x+C dir_name
0     0     0.0     0.0     run0
1     1     NaN     2.0     run0
2     0     1.0     1.0     run1
3     1     NaN     3.0     run1
4     0     2.0     2.0     run2
5     1     NaN     4.0     run2
>>> SummaryReader(log_dir, pivot=True, extra_columns={'dir_name'}).hparams
     C    name  run_id dir_name
0  0.0  y=2x+0     0.0     run0
1  1.0  y=2x+1     1.0     run1
2  2.0  y=2x+2     2.0     run2


This tutorial assumes you only log a set of HParams under each run directory.

Parsing Event Logs

In different use cases, we will want to read the event logs in different styles. We further show different configurations of the tbparse.SummaryReader class.

We first store the log directory path in the log_dir variable.

>>> log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name
>>> reader = SummaryReader(log_dir, extra_columns={'dir_name'}) # long format
>>> reader.hparams
      tag   value dir_name
0       C     0.0     run0
1    name  y=2x+0     run0
2  run_id     0.0     run0
3       C     1.0     run1
4    name  y=2x+1     run1
5  run_id     1.0     run1
6       C     2.0     run2
7    name  y=2x+2     run2
8  run_id     2.0     run2


When accessing SummaryReader.hparams, the events stored in each event file are collected internally. The best practice is to store the returned results in a DataFrame as shown in the samples, instead of repeatedly accessing SummaryReader.hparams.

Extra Columns

See the Extra Columns page for more details.

Filtering Events Based on HParams

TensorBoard reads data from a full directory, and organizes it into the history of a single TensorFlow execution.

Tensorboard GitHub README

Since tensorboard considers all event files under a run directory as the same run, we can filter out irrelevant events based on the HParams stored under the run directory.

In the following samples, we use the event files generated by PyTorch for simplicity. Event files generated by TensorFlow2/Keras or TensorboardX can be similarily parsed with minor modifications. (escape the special characters in tags)

>>> log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name

Filtering Events with a Single Criterion

Assume we want to keep events with HParams C == 0.0.

>>> # filter long scalars with long hparams
>>> reader = SummaryReader(log_dir, extra_columns={'dir_name'}) # long format
>>> hp = reader.hparams
>>> hp
      tag   value dir_name
0       C     0.0     run0
1    name  y=2x+0     run0
2  run_id     0.0     run0
3       C     1.0     run1
4    name  y=2x+1     run1
5  run_id     1.0     run1
6       C     2.0     run2
7    name  y=2x+2     run2
8  run_id     2.0     run2
>>> hp_filtered = hp[(hp['tag']=='C') & (hp['value']==0.0)]
>>> hp_filtered
  tag value dir_name
0   C   0.0     run0
>>> run_names = list(hp_filtered['dir_name'])
>>> run_names
>>> df = reader.scalars
>>> df
   step     tag  value dir_name
0     0  metric    0.0     run0
1     0  y=2x+C    0.0     run0
2     1  y=2x+C    2.0     run0
3     0  metric    1.0     run1
4     0  y=2x+C    1.0     run1
5     1  y=2x+C    3.0     run1
6     0  metric    2.0     run2
7     0  y=2x+C    2.0     run2
8     1  y=2x+C    4.0     run2
>>> df_filtered = df[df['dir_name'].isin(run_names)]
>>> df_filtered
   step     tag  value dir_name
0     0  metric    0.0     run0
1     0  y=2x+C    0.0     run0
2     1  y=2x+C    2.0     run0

Filtering Events with Multiple Criteria

Assume we want to keep events with HParams C == 0.0 or name == 'y=2x+2'.

>>> # filter long scalars with long hparams
>>> reader = SummaryReader(log_dir, extra_columns={'dir_name'}) # long format
>>> hp = reader.hparams
>>> hp
      tag   value dir_name
0       C     0.0     run0
1    name  y=2x+0     run0
2  run_id     0.0     run0
3       C     1.0     run1
4    name  y=2x+1     run1
5  run_id     1.0     run1
6       C     2.0     run2
7    name  y=2x+2     run2
8  run_id     2.0     run2
>>> cond1 = (hp['tag']=='C') & (hp['value']==0.0)
>>> cond2 = (hp['tag']=='name') & (hp['value']=='y=2x+2')
>>> hp_filtered = hp[cond1 | cond2]
>>> hp_filtered
    tag   value dir_name
0     C     0.0     run0
7  name  y=2x+2     run2
>>> run_names = list(hp_filtered['dir_name'])
>>> run_names
['run0', 'run2']
>>> df = reader.scalars
>>> df
   step     tag  value dir_name
0     0  metric    0.0     run0
1     0  y=2x+C    0.0     run0
2     1  y=2x+C    2.0     run0
3     0  metric    1.0     run1
4     0  y=2x+C    1.0     run1
5     1  y=2x+C    3.0     run1
6     0  metric    2.0     run2
7     0  y=2x+C    2.0     run2
8     1  y=2x+C    4.0     run2
>>> df_filtered = df[df['dir_name'].isin(run_names)]
>>> df_filtered
   step     tag  value dir_name
0     0  metric    0.0     run0
1     0  y=2x+C    0.0     run0
2     1  y=2x+C    2.0     run0
6     0  metric    2.0     run2
7     0  y=2x+C    2.0     run2
8     1  y=2x+C    4.0     run2

Store Filtering Results in an Additional Column

Assume we want to store the name in HParams to an additional column in the scalars DataFrame.

>>> # filter long scalars with long hparams
>>> reader = SummaryReader(log_dir, extra_columns={'dir_name'}) # long format
>>> hp = reader.hparams
>>> hp
      tag   value dir_name
0       C     0.0     run0
1    name  y=2x+0     run0
2  run_id     0.0     run0
3       C     1.0     run1
4    name  y=2x+1     run1
5  run_id     1.0     run1
6       C     2.0     run2
7    name  y=2x+2     run2
8  run_id     2.0     run2
>>> hp_filtered = hp[hp['tag']=='name']
>>> hp_filtered.set_index('dir_name', inplace=True)
>>> run_to_name = hp_filtered.to_dict()['value']
>>> run_to_name
{'run0': 'y=2x+0', 'run1': 'y=2x+1', 'run2': 'y=2x+2'}
>>> df = reader.scalars
>>> df
   step     tag  value dir_name
0     0  metric    0.0     run0
1     0  y=2x+C    0.0     run0
2     1  y=2x+C    2.0     run0
3     0  metric    1.0     run1
4     0  y=2x+C    1.0     run1
5     1  y=2x+C    3.0     run1
6     0  metric    2.0     run2
7     0  y=2x+C    2.0     run2
8     1  y=2x+C    4.0     run2
>>> df['hp/name'] = df['dir_name'].map(run_to_name)
>>> df
   step     tag  value dir_name hp/name
0     0  metric    0.0     run0  y=2x+0
1     0  y=2x+C    0.0     run0  y=2x+0
2     1  y=2x+C    2.0     run0  y=2x+0
3     0  metric    1.0     run1  y=2x+1
4     0  y=2x+C    1.0     run1  y=2x+1
5     1  y=2x+C    3.0     run1  y=2x+1
6     0  metric    2.0     run2  y=2x+2
7     0  y=2x+C    2.0     run2  y=2x+2
8     1  y=2x+C    4.0     run2  y=2x+2

Storing Hierarchical HParams

Tensorboard only allows logging bool, float, int, str data. For hierarchical data, we can serialize other types into json string for later use.

>>> import json
>>> def flatten_dict(hp):
...   d = {}
...   for key in hp.keys():
...     value = hp[key]
...     if not isinstance(value, (bool, float, int, str)):
...       value = json.dumps(value)
...     d[key] = value
...   return d
>>> tmpdirs['torch'] = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
>>> from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
>>> log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name
>>> hp_dict = {
...   'name': 'hp_name',
...   'hierarchical': {'run_id': 0}
... }
>>> writer = SummaryWriter(os.path.join(log_dir, 'run0'))
>>> writer.add_hparams(flatten_dict(hp_dict), {}, run_name='.')
>>> writer.close()

and quickly check the results:

>>> from tbparse import SummaryReader
>>> SummaryReader(log_dir, pivot=True, extra_columns={'dir_name'}).hparams
    hierarchical     name dir_name
0  {"run_id": 0}  hp_name     run0

Alternatively, you can serialize the entire dictionary to json string and store it with Text events: Parsing Text.