Parsing Tensors

This page demonstrates the parsing process for tensor events.

Preparing Sample Event Logs

First, let’s import some libraries and prepare the environment for our sample event logs:

>>> import os
>>> import tempfile
>>> # Define some constants
>>> N_RUNS = 2
>>> N_EVENTS = 3
>>> # Prepare temp dirs for storing event files
>>> tmpdirs = {}

Before parsing a event file, we need to generate it first. The sample event files are generated by three commonly used event log writers.

We can generate the events by PyTorch:

>>> tmpdirs['torch'] = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
>>> from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
>>> log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name
>>> for i in range(N_RUNS): # 2 independent runs
...   writer = SummaryWriter(os.path.join(log_dir, f'run{i}'))
...   for j in range(N_EVENTS): # stores 2 tags, each with 3 events
...     writer.add_scalar('y=2x+C', j * 2 + i, j, new_style=True)
...     writer.add_scalar('y=3x+C', j * 3 + i, j, new_style=True)
...   writer.close()

and quickly check the results:

>>> from tbparse import SummaryReader
>>> SummaryReader(log_dir, pivot=True).tensors
   step      y=2x+C      y=3x+C
0     0  [0.0, 1.0]  [0.0, 1.0]
1     1  [2.0, 3.0]  [3.0, 4.0]
2     2  [4.0, 5.0]  [6.0, 7.0]

Parsing Event Logs

In different use cases, we will want to read the event logs in different styles. We further show different configurations of the tbparse.SummaryReader class.

Load Event File

We can load a single event file with its file path:

We first store the file path in the event_file variable.

>>> log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name
>>> run_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, 'run0')
>>> event_file = os.path.join(run_dir, sorted(os.listdir(run_dir))[0])

The pivot parameter in SummaryReader determines the event format:

  • If pivot=False (default), the events are stored in Long format.

  • If pivot=True, the events are stored in Wide format.

>>> from tbparse import SummaryReader
>>> reader = SummaryReader(event_file) # long format
>>> df = reader.tensors
>>> df
   step     tag  value
0     0  y=2x+C    0.0
1     1  y=2x+C    2.0
2     2  y=2x+C    4.0
3     0  y=3x+C    0.0
4     1  y=3x+C    3.0
5     2  y=3x+C    6.0
>>> df[df['tag'] == 'y=2x+C'] # filter out 'y=3x+C'
   step     tag  value
0     0  y=2x+C    0.0
1     1  y=2x+C    2.0
2     2  y=2x+C    4.0
>>> df[df['tag'] == 'y=2x+C']['value'] # as pandas.Series
0    0.0
1    2.0
2    4.0
Name: value, dtype: float64
>>> df[df['tag'] == 'y=2x+C']['value'].to_numpy() # as numpy array
array([0., 2., 4.])
>>> df[df['tag'] == 'y=2x+C']['value'].to_list() # as list
[0.0, 2.0, 4.0]

Load Run Directory

We can load all event files under a directory (an experiment run):

We first store the run directory path in the run_dir variable.

>>> log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name
>>> run_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, 'run0')

The pivot parameter in SummaryReader determines the event format:

>>> reader = SummaryReader(run_dir)
>>> reader.tensors
   step     tag  value
0     0  y=2x+C    0.0
1     1  y=2x+C    2.0
2     2  y=2x+C    4.0
3     0  y=3x+C    0.0
4     1  y=3x+C    3.0
5     2  y=3x+C    6.0

If your run directory contains multiple event files, SummaryReader will collect all events stored inside them into the DataFrame. (The sample result here stays the same since we do not have multiple event files stored in our sample run directory.)

Load Log Directory

We can further load all runs under the log directory.

We first store the log directory path in the log_dir variable.

>>> log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name

The pivot parameter in SummaryReader determines the event format. The extra_columns parameter in SummaryReader determines the extra columns to be stored in the DataFrame:

>>> reader = SummaryReader(log_dir)
>>> reader.tensors
    step     tag  value
0      0  y=2x+C    0.0
1      0  y=2x+C    1.0
2      1  y=2x+C    2.0
3      1  y=2x+C    3.0
4      2  y=2x+C    4.0
5      2  y=2x+C    5.0
6      0  y=3x+C    0.0
7      0  y=3x+C    1.0
8      1  y=3x+C    3.0
9      1  y=3x+C    4.0
10     2  y=3x+C    6.0
11     2  y=3x+C    7.0
>>> reader = SummaryReader(log_dir, extra_columns={'dir_name'}) # with event directory name
>>> reader.tensors
    step     tag  value dir_name
0      0  y=2x+C    0.0     run0
1      1  y=2x+C    2.0     run0
2      2  y=2x+C    4.0     run0
3      0  y=3x+C    0.0     run0
4      1  y=3x+C    3.0     run0
5      2  y=3x+C    6.0     run0
6      0  y=2x+C    1.0     run1
7      1  y=2x+C    3.0     run1
8      2  y=2x+C    5.0     run1
9      0  y=3x+C    1.0     run1
10     1  y=3x+C    4.0     run1
11     2  y=3x+C    7.0     run1
>>> df = reader.tensors
>>> df[df['dir_name'] == 'run0'] # filter events in run0
   step     tag  value dir_name
0     0  y=2x+C    0.0     run0
1     1  y=2x+C    2.0     run0
2     2  y=2x+C    4.0     run0
3     0  y=3x+C    0.0     run0
4     1  y=3x+C    3.0     run0
5     2  y=3x+C    6.0     run0


When accessing SummaryReader.tensors, the events stored in each event file are collected internally. The best practice is to store the returned results in a DataFrame as shown in the samples, instead of repeatedly accessing SummaryReader.tensors.

Extra Columns

See the Extra Columns page for more details.

Plotting Events

We recommend using seaborn for most plotting, since its API is both flexible and friendly. When you need to tweak some details of the figure, you can directly use the underlying matplotlib APIs. pandas also supports flexible plotting with pandas.DataFrame.plot() or pandas.Series.plot(), but I personally uses seaborn more often.

If you are dealing with more sophisticated plots that require advanced filtering not shown in this page, you can refer to the following guides to filter your data:

Thanks to pandas, we can easily perform powerful operations on our DataFrame.

We further demonstrate some basic filtering techniques for plotting our data.

Plotting with matplotlib

We can plot all scalar logs in a single run.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tbparse import SummaryReader
log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name

reader = SummaryReader(log_dir, extra_columns={'dir_name'})
df = reader.tensors
df = df[df['dir_name'] == 'run0']
df_2x = df[df['tag'] == 'y=2x+C']
df_3x = df[df['tag'] == 'y=3x+C']
plt.plot(df_2x['step'], df_2x['value'])
plt.plot(df_3x['step'], df_3x['value'])
plt.legend(['y=2x+C', 'y=3x+C'])

We can compare tensors across runs.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tbparse import SummaryReader
log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name

reader = SummaryReader(log_dir, extra_columns={'dir_name'})
df = reader.tensors
df= df[df['tag'] == 'y=2x+C']
run0 = df[df['dir_name'] == 'run0']
run1 = df[df['dir_name'] == 'run1']
plt.plot(run0['step'], run0['value'])
plt.plot(run1['step'], run1['value'])
plt.legend(['run0', 'run1'])

Matplotlib prefers wide format in general.

Plotting with seaborn

We can plot all scalar logs in a single run.

import seaborn as sns
from tbparse import SummaryReader
log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name

reader = SummaryReader(log_dir, extra_columns={'dir_name'})
df = reader.tensors
df = df[df['dir_name'] == 'run0']
g = sns.lineplot(data=df, x='step', y='value', hue='tag')

We can compare tensors across runs.

import seaborn as sns
from tbparse import SummaryReader
log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name

reader = SummaryReader(log_dir, extra_columns={'dir_name'})
df = reader.tensors
df = df[df['tag'] == 'y=2x+C']
g = sns.lineplot(data=df, x='step', y='value', hue='dir_name')

We can compare all scalar logs across runs with shaded confidence interval.

import seaborn as sns
from tbparse import SummaryReader
log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name

reader = SummaryReader(log_dir, extra_columns={'dir_name'})
df = reader.tensors
g = sns.lineplot(data=df, x='step', y='value', hue='tag')
g.set(title='confidence interval of multiple runs')

Seaborn prefers long format in general.

Plotting with pandas

We can plot all scalar logs in a single run.

from tbparse import SummaryReader
log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name

reader = SummaryReader(log_dir, extra_columns={'dir_name'})
df = reader.tensors
df.set_index('step', inplace=True)
df = df[df['dir_name'] == 'run0']
df_2x = df[df['tag'] == 'y=2x+C']
df_3x = df[df['tag'] == 'y=3x+C']
ax = df_2x.plot.line(title='run0')
ax.legend(['y=2x+C', 'y=3x+C'])

We can compare tensors across runs.

from tbparse import SummaryReader
log_dir = tmpdirs['torch'].name

reader = SummaryReader(log_dir, extra_columns={'dir_name'})
df = reader.tensors
df = df[df['tag'] == 'y=2x+C']
run0 = df.loc[df['dir_name'] == 'run0', ['step', 'value']].rename(columns={'value': 'run0'})
run1 = df.loc[df['dir_name'] == 'run1', ['step', 'value']].rename(columns={'value': 'run1'})
df = run0.merge(run1, how='outer', on='step', suffixes=(False, False))
df.set_index('step', inplace=True)

Pandas prefers wide format in general.